Thursday, October 13, 2005

I am like the eye and you the light, my soul. Without light the eye is dark.
I am like the fish and you the water, my soul. Without water the fish is dead.
When the fish is removed from the water but returned to it, it can live.
But when they take me from you, I'll die, and there will be no remedy.


Brothers, they lie when they say you cannot tame a peacock.
I saw one the other day, whose owner I truly envy.
Her eyebrows were drawn with a pencil and her mouth was as sweet as honey.
She could press a dead man to her, then let him go, alive.

Oh my little one, shall I ever conquer your heart?
Your breast is like a sea, a sea cool to my fever.
Let me be like the salamander, who enters the sea of your breast and swims there,
Then gets away only to rest in the shade cast by your lashes.

Nahabed Kouchag (d. 1592)

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