Tuesday, November 08, 2005

At this point in time, millions of souls collect
to say McTeague's gilt tooth should not have been taken away
& other American tragedies
imaginary & real: Hart Crane in Paris, wreckt,
Adlai in London, looking on a day
for a terrible partner, a tease.

O yes, at this point in time the American soul
gathers its forces for the good of man
but it has memories.
Henry Adams denied this, & he was right
but for the few the place is crawling with ghosts
like lice in a pan.

When will the fire be turned on? and by whom?
heating the memory and soul alike
until both crisp.
Not soon, I wonder, but in some lead-shielded room
mistakes are being made like the Third Reich
perhaps, I lisp.

John Berryman, 4th July 1968

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